(4 words)
In question paper a question is asked by board. In that type of question there have four sub questions which are four words. The words have one or two blank places. The words will have been taken from Textbook. The words will picked from lesson which will block letters.
1) B_st
2) answ_r
3) h_ve
5) bl_nk
6) plac_
7) fr_m
8) p_ck
9) wh_t
10) wh_n
1 enco_nte_
2 do_._nan_
3 assa_._._
4 com_o_io_
5 ta_._n_
6 su_._es
7 c_nsi_te_t
8 _eali_ti_
9 co_r_g_a
10 s_._ri_g
1 _ev_u_
2 c_c_._e
3 del_._e_y
4 _we_p_r
5 _a_k_upt
6 di_e_._a
7 _l_m_y
8 _pit_._e
9 _ou_._ge
10 _pit_._e
1 di_._._led
2 ta_ka_i_e
3 t_._._h
4 sen_._ti_e
5 lit_r_r_
6 he_it_._e
7 _onu_ent
8 co_m_tte
9 cu_._._ral
10 g_oom
1 s_bs_de
2 b_lie_e
3 p_rad_se
4 d_gn_ty
5 aspi_ation
6 e_ha_st
7 in_ul_ate
8 c_lo_al
9 w_th_rs
10 a_ch_my
1 fe_le_s
2 st_mm_r
3 p_ckm_rks
4 en_i_us
5 con_em_t
6 q_al_fy
7 hu_b_e
8 de_isi_n
9 a_mo_r
10 pl_nd_r
1 re_re_t
2 s_ui_e
3 ig_or_nce
4 g_ver_ess
5 op_q_e
6 p_nu_y
9 Fr_ntic
10 St_rn
(i) st_rt (ii) sl_ve (iii) gr_at (iv) fo_ce
(i) Fri_nd (ii) goa_s (iii) lar_e (iv) sp_rt
i) vill_ge (ii) dre_m (iii) eq_al (iv) mon_h
1) i) Alre_dy ii) cour_ge iii) appe_red iv) Shr_lly
ANS i) Already ii) courage iii) appeared iv) Shrilly
2) i) Succ_ssful ii) tale_ts iii) origina_ity iv) acknowle_ges
ANS Successful , talents, originality, acknowledges
3) i) step_ing ii) Inv_lves iii) spe_ific iv) d i _ e _ _ i _ n
ANS i) stepping ii) involves iii) specific iv) dimension
4) i) m _ ga _ in _ s ii) S _ a _ _ n iii) _ e a _ _ y iv) b__oke
ANS i) m a g a z i n e s ii) S e a s o n iii) h e a r t y iv) broke
5) i) b__oom ii) sa__ary iii) d__stbin iv) bank__upt
ANS i) broom ii) salary iii) dustbin iv) bankrupt
6) i) be__line ii) c_smology iii) hail_d iv) str_nge
ANS i) beeline ii) cosmology iii) hailed iv) strange
7) i) gl_om ii) resp_nse iii) m_tt_rs iv) r__ise
ANS i) gloom ii) response iii) matters iv) raise
8) i) o__ned ii) ho__sted iii) he__rd iv) __icked
ANS i) owned ii) hoisted iii) heard iv) nicked
9) i) ba__aar ii) cl_msy iii) epit_me iv) ex…lusive
ANS i) bazaar ii) clumsy iii) epitome iv) exclusive
10) ex…lusive, …lation, tac…ical, s…oring
ANS exclusive, elation, tactical, scoring
11) de…isions, nutri…ion, req…irement, co…ditioning
ANS decisions, nutrition, requirement, conditioning
12) op…nion, …onivnce, ne…lected, w…ight
ANS opinion, conivnce, neglected, weight
13) f…ught, peas…nt, e…stern, bur…undians.
ANS Fought, peasant, eastern, Burgundians.
14) gr…mly, co…rage, m…asure, assu…ing
ANS grimly, courage, measure, assuming
15) orl…ans, ar…our, sq…ire, pre…ence
ANS orleans, armour, squire, presence
16) Asp...ration, pe…ential, d…gnity, …ncient
ANS Aspiration, petential, dignity, ancient
17) L…cture, invis…bility, sol…ier, l…sson
18) Vi…lence , a…cept, shac…les, compas…ion
ANS Violence, accept, shackles, compassion.
19) Active…ties, …nhancing, wel…being, nu…tures
ANS Activities, enhancing, wellbeing, nurtures.
20) Hi…iscus, b…ooms, w…thers, Splend..ur.
ANS Hibiscus, blooms, withers, splendour
21) Com…ands, Co…ossal, Ch…pter, Ma…esty
ANS Commands, colossal, chapter, majesty
22) i) d_mag_d ii) b_ckw_rd iii) w_rri_d iv) c_r_mony.
ANS i) damaged ii) backward iii) warried iv) ceremony
23) i) Comm_tm_nt ii) Pr_gress iii) Op_q_e iv) P_nu_y
ANS I) Commitment ii) Progress iii) Opaque iv) Penury
24) i) P_nu_y ii) b_intk iii) expa_se iv) str_tched
ANS i) Penury ii) brintk iii) expanse iv) stretched
Q. I A] 1] Complete the words / spellings by using correct letters.
1] br___cket
2] P____oper
3] M____bile
4] Some____ay
5] Tel___phone
6] Gram___ar
7] H___mework
8] Les______en
9] S___perio____
10] Manu____l
11] M____mbers
12] U____derstand
13] Te______cher
14] Ch____ldren
15] Foots____sp
16] Rhym____ng
17] Sent___nce
18] Humb___nd
19] Emot____on
20] T___uck
21] C____mplet
22] Neckl____ce
23] D____gmatic
24] Act____on